Small and fast PHP-engine for drawing bar charts, without using graphics libraries like GD,
pure HTML + CSS only. Implemeted as PHP class. Data for rendering can be assembled "manually"
or by passing SQL queries to the class method GatherData().
Legend titles can be a HREF's, "percents" row can be calculated automatically.
Status : FreeWare (GPL)
Updated: 16.01.2007 (dd.mm.yyyy)
Download (31K)
Class set for drawing "Property sheet" HTML code. It supports classic types:
tab-style (pages switched by clicking upper tabs) and
WIZARD-style, where pages navigated by Next-Previous-Finish buttons, with optional javascript functions
fired on 'Next page' events.
First published : 25.10.2006
Distribution model : GNU
Download (~24K)
Ready-to-use AJAX-based Site Administrator's workplace.
With this package Yo can:
run SQL-queries on Your database, and get 'EXPLAIN PLAN' for them.
Pre-defined queries sets can ve used.
Three access level modes - ordinary user, admin with 'ONLY READING' queries,
and full-access admin.
Parameters can be used in queries.
Backing up SQL data to xml/gzip backup files.
Restoring SQL data from backups
File manager (download.upload.delete files on server)
All tasks implemented as plugin modules, so it's easy to write Your own plugins.
Empty stub plugin provided for this.
Published : 03.03.2007
Distribution model : GNU
Download (97K)